What is the Aramid Bridge?

A powerful protocol that allows anyone to bridge assets between AVM and EVM networks.

How do you bridge?

Aramid makes moving your assets cross-chain simple. To start your voyage follow the steps below in order.

  1. Go to the Aramid Bridge
  2. Choose your Origin chain.
  3. Choose your Bridge asset.
  4. Connect your Origin wallet.
  5. Enter your Amount to bridge.
  6. Choose your Destination chain.
  7. Confirm your Receive asset is correct.
  8. Connect your Destination wallet. You can alternatively enter a Destination address if bridging to an AVM network. EVM Destination chains require a connected wallet to sign the claim transaction.
  9. Optional: Enter your Note/Memo/Payment ****reference. This is not required for bridging but can be useful to keep track of transactions with on-chain messages.
  10. Click “Review your transaction”.
  11. Confirm the details of your transaction.
  12. Click “Sign”(AVM) or “Approve & Sign”(EVM) and follow the signature instructions in your Origin wallet.
  13. Wait for Aramid to bridge your assets, this usually takes less than 3 minutes.
  14. Click “Claim” and follow the signature instructions in your Destination wallet. AVM Destination chains do not require any further transactions.
  15. Congratulations, you have travelled across the Aramid Bridge🥳 Click “Bridge again” if you would like to move assets cross-chain again.

Supported Networks & Assets.